Tuesday, March 16, 2010

you can take a girl out the ghetto, but her weave will still have that swapmeet tag =/

Sorry for the delay people, I've been very busy trying to get my gaurd card and other job-related things this past week. While on my way home from class I was on the bus and I stumbled across something horrible *recovers from fall*, *takes puff from inhaler*, this girl had a multi-colored weave(picture above). She looked like a bag of holloween candy =/. When she got on the bus looking like a tropical hoodrat smh. I just want to know if she really thinks that is trendy, and what her motive was. She was complaining about not getting hired. How do you expect people to take you serious when you look like an a life sized skittle bag? Just because you have a 3rd of the universes color in your head doesn't mean its goin to match w|your outfit =/. I'm really mad at her for that lol. If you want people to at least "think" your serious about a job, you should look like it. Maybe she didn't have much guidance as a kid or whatever it is. She needs to change up her look, at least for an interview. I could see if she had an interview for willy wonkas chocholate factory but sheeeesh. Ima just pray for her.


  1. wooooooooow .

    that is BEYOND embarrassing . i mean, come on now . HIGHLIGHTER COLORS ? wow .

    that's about all i can say .
    smh . damn shame...

  2. LMAO... she looks like she got her ass whooped in the juice aisle of Walmart. Looking like somebody DDT'd her on a bag of Jolly Ranchers LMAO. I don't know HOW you kept from really roasting her in real life LMAOOOOO.

  3. damn baby...you took a pic of this chick hair... WOWWWW...But I dont understand why she would think someone to hire her...I wouldnt let her in my business

  4. lmaoo. you actually took a pic too. you evil.

  5. Tropical Hood Rat you need to copyright that one! Funny! www.cjmcgruder.com

  6. lmfaoooo i thought that was a random pic u found somewhere! nobody on this planet will hire somebody looking like that unless , what u say? a tropical hoodrat? role in a porno or something

  7. *DEADDDD* ahahhahahhahahahahahahaha! *trips into grave*

  8. Lol is she fucking sitting on that little girl? O_O
